A community effort, intent on creating ARTFUL space on the East side of Cleveland. 


Your generous support is critical to the success of all our community events.

ARTFUL is so excited to share that our Executive Director, Shannon Morris, is this year’s recipient of The Cleveland Arts Prize Robert P. Bergman Prize!! This is an incredible honor and now brings ARTFUL’s total to 3 Cleveland Arts Prize winners. Congratulations Shannon – we are all SO very proud of you and the work you do on a daily basis on behalf of the artists we serve.

Adult Community Art Workshops

Wednesdays  ::  6:30-7:30 pm

FREE drop-in art workshops for Cuyahoga County adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities who have limited options for art, social and community activities.

Our next PEACE Pops is Friday, Oct. 25th!

Be sure to join our email list for updates.


Live Music

Open Studios




2843 Washington Blvd., Cleveland Hts., OH 44118

We need your help…

Our landlord (Cleveland Heights – University Heights Library) has just informed us that they will be offering us only 6 month leases that will begin on July 1 and end on Dec. 31. As of January 1 we will be on month-to-month leases that can be terminated with 60 days’ notice. We LOVE our building and have built a one-of-a-kind studio setting that caters to those of all physical abilites, age ranges and backgrounds that we would like to see continue to thrive here for many years to come.

We need your help – let City and Library leadership know what our organization means to you. Encourage them to work with our collective and chart a path forward that works for all of us – especially the people we serve. PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR LIST OF SUPPORTERS!

Here’s a look back at Art for the Masses 2023!


No... it's not a critique of the potluck itself, but it is a fun critique that includes a potluck meal... open to the public and all skill levels.

ALL skill levels are encouraged to participate. Gentle guidance will be provided by some of the ARTFUL Board members. Get feedback, learn about new techniques, approaches, perspectives and offer suggestions.


Establish and nurture affordable space that supports and educates artists in their mission to create, sell and display their art while making creativity and inspiration more accessible to the community at large. 


24 art studios.

ARTFUL has 24 studio spaces that are available for rent to local artists. We are one of the only multi-tenant art spaces in greater Cleveland that is handicap-accessible, and our walls are constructed of a special antimicrobial material.


Large flex space.

In addition to our private studios, ARTFUL also features a large open work space. This space is available for our artists, classes and community gatherings. It can also be utilized by our artists for collaborations and large projects.


Classes and workshops.

Many ARTFUL artists teach small and private classes in their studios, while outside artist often make use of our Flex Space for teaching classes. Subjects include ceramics, home school art classes, painting and more!

Events Calendar

Come see what we’re up to… check out our events calendar.

We are located inthe
Coventry P.E.A.C.E. Building.

2843 Washington Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, OH. 44118

The Coventry P.E.A.C.E. Building is the former Coventry Elementary School, and is now home to multiple local nonprofits. We work hand-in-hand with these organizations on programming and special events. Many of our artists have either partnered, or utilized their services. P.E.A.C.E. stands for “People Enhancing A Community’s Environment”. Together with our neighbors in the building, we offer wonderful opportunities for our artists and local community members to continue to create, show, learn and grow.

Find us on social media.

Facebook: Artful Cleveland

Instagram: @artful_cleveland

Twitter: @artfulcleveland