
Below you will find a list of events that ARTFUL is hosting, or promoting.

Check out some of our previous events…

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A look back at our April PEACE Pops…

We are so grateful to everyone who came out and celebrated the 5th anniversary of the opening of our studios. We would not have reached this milestone without your unwavering support. This video features some highlights from the special evening.

And check out our Chalk Festivals!

Coventry PEACE Chalk Festival – Aug. 20, 2022

Chalk Fest at University Heights Fall Fest – Oct. 2, 2022

ARTFUL’s 5 Year Retrospective

What a journey we have been on! Looking back on the last five years we are reminded of the generosity and kindness of our community. We would not be where we are today without the support and love of the people of the Heights and our artists. Enjoy this retrospective that tells the story of where ARTFUL began, and where we are today.

Find us on social media.

Facebook: Artful Cleveland

Instagram: @artful_cleveland

Twitter: @artfulcleveland