Recent News.
This page contains some of the more pertinent information we would like to share regarding matters with the Coventry PEACE Building.
They said no to Coventry PEACE.
The Library Board voted on May 16, 2022 to approve an expensive contract with Cresco to become the facility manager of the Coventry PEACE Building. While we are dissapointed, and deeply concerned about this decision, we were incredibly touched and moved by all the people that showed up in support of a different resolution, and spoke so meaningfully in support of our organizations. We have taken the day to rest up from our efforts and to meet with the Coventry PEACE Campus tenants regarding next steps. We will have more information soon, but in the meantime we encourage you to keep sharing your concerns and hold the board members accountable to the statements they made stating that they support our organizations and want to see them thrive. Click on the buttons above to see how you can help.

Let the leadership of the Library know where you stand on this issue. Join the hundreds of other supporters who are letting their voice be heard. The Coventry PEACE Campus is a vital part of the Heights community. We are deeply disappointed that the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library Board of Trustees does not trust the women who lead this successful, self-sustaining asset to chart their own course forward. The library board is refusing to meet with them; wasting time and taxpayer money on an unnecessary “feasibility” study and a private management contract; and incurring new costs that will threaten the stability of this important, community-supported project. It’s time for the board to reverse this misguided course, and either grant the long-term lease that was originally promised, or sell the building to CPC. Either of these moves solves all the problems of both parties. The library board’s next steps will factor into our decisions the next time we’re asked to vote on a levy.
Send a letter to the Library Board letting them know of your disappointment in their decision to not work with Coventry PEACE Campus directly to find a path forward for the Coventry PEACE Building that would have been a compromise for all involved. Make sure they know you will be monitoring the situation adn will hold them accountable to their statements saying their intent is not to drive the tenants from the building.
Coventry PEACE Campus has created an easy form which will automatically mail your note to each Library Board member.
We also reccommend sending notes to our public officials making them aware that their leadership and vision plays a vital role in making sure this vital asset is here to stay. While they cannot direct the Library to change course, they could step up in publicly declaring their support for our organizations and the value we add to the community members that elected them.